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Spectrum Magazine


The Challenge

Create a powerful communications vehicle that would help to unify divergent work cultures following a massive merger and inform key stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

The Strategy

Publish a glossy corporate magazine that could compete with the quality of print, graphics and editorial content provided by mainstream publications.

The Outcome

Spectrum magazine became Toronto Hydro’s flagship publication, providing news for key external readers and a sense of identity for staff and board members.

All About Electricity


The Challenge

Develop a practical tool to help grade five students understand the power of electricity, how it’s made, delivered and consumed in their community.

The Strategy

Develop a child-friendly interactive workbook that would challenge students to learn more about electricity and provide opportunities to test their learnings.

The Outcome

More than 3,000 copies of All About Electricity were distributed each year. Comments received from both teachers and students affirmed the value of this dynamic teaching tool.


Meet Me Monday Morning


The Challenge

Seneca Business Centre wanted to encourage start-up entrepreneurs to start every week on a positive note. Many clients were struggling to get started on Monday mornings and to develop positive energy to carry them through the week.

The Strategy

Develop a program that would attract clients to the Seneca Business Centre, where they could be inspired to continue building their businesses.

The Approach

Invite powerful guest speakers to deliver presentations on an important business topic.
Follow each week’s presentation with an opportunity to network with other business people.

The Outcome

Meet Me Monday Morning continues to attract clients to the Seneca Business Centre Attendance typically ranges from 20 to 25 participants
Participants attest to the program’s value to them.


BizNet Networking Group


The Challenge

Create an environment where small businesses, particularly start-ups, could support each other’s efforts

The Strategy

Create a networking group that would make small business people feel important, reduce their isolation, educate them and encourage mutual support

The Approach

The BizNet business resource group was created to encourage small business people to attend monthly meetings in an elegant setting, featuring expert speakers, followed by group problem-solving activities and encouragement to take an interest in each other and develop long-term relationships

The Outcome

BizNet became broadly recognized as an organization that provided such significant value that many of its participants said they stopped attending most other networking functions




The Challenge

Find a way to help business people to maintain contact, discuss issues and promote each other

The Strategy

Develop an interactive e-newsletter that provided operational information and incentive to engage in discussion of business issues

The Outcome

BizNews is read by hundreds of business owners, who value its interactive approach to information sharing. Read the current edition